Toolbox Documentation


Commands relating to make a cluster busy with lot of resources


Commands relating to cluster scaling, upgrading and environment capture


Commands relating to TOPSAIL testing configuration
  • apply Applies a preset (or a list of presets) to the current configuration file

  • enter Enter into a custom configuration file for a TOPSAIL project

  • get Gives the value of a given key, in the current configuration file

  • name Gives the name of the current configuration


Commands relating to continuous performance testing management


Commands relating to RHOAI scheduler testing


Run `topsail` toolbox commands from a single config file.


Commands for deploying, building and testing the GPU operator in various ways


Commands to run TOPSAIL scripts in a jump host
  • ensure_lock Ensure that cluster lock with a given name is taken. Fails otherwise.

  • prepare_step Prepares the jump host for running a CI test step:

  • prepare_topsail Prepares the jump host for running TOPSAIL: - clones TOPSAIL repository - builds TOPSAIL image in the remote host

  • release_lock Release a cluster lock with a given name on a remote node

  • retrieve_artifacts Prepares the jump host for running a CI test step:

  • take_lock Take a lock with a given cluster name on a remote node


Commands relating to kepler deployment
  • deploy_kepler Deploy the Kepler operator and monitor to track energy consumption

  • undeploy_kepler Cleanup the Kepler operator and associated resources


Commands relating to RHOAI KServe component


Commands relating to kubemark deployment


Commands relating to KWOK deployment


Commands relating to llm-load-test
  • run Load test the wisdom model


Commands to run the CI scripts in a container environment similar to the one used by the CI
  • run Runs a given CI command

  • run_multi Runs a given CI command in parallel from multiple Pods


Commands for NFD related tasks


Commands for deploying, building and testing the NFD operator in various ways


Commands relating to RHOAI Notebooks
  • benchmark_performance Benchmark the performance of a notebook image.

  • capture_state Capture information about the cluster and the RHODS notebooks deployment

  • cleanup Clean up the resources created along with the notebooks, during the scale tests.

  • dashboard_scale_test End-to-end scale testing of ROAI dashboard scale test, at user level.

  • locust_scale_test End-to-end testing of RHOAI notebooks at scale, at API level

  • ods_ci_scale_test End-to-end scale testing of ROAI notebooks, at user level.


Commands relating to RHODS
  • capture_state Captures the state of a Data Science Pipeline Application in a given namespace.

  • deploy_application Deploy a Data Science Pipeline Application in a given namespace.

  • run_kfp_notebook Run a notebook in a given notebook image.


Commands to perform consistency validations on this repo itself


Commands relating to RHODS


Commands relating to RHOAI scheduler testing


Commands relating to the deployment of servers on OpenShift


Commands relating to OpenShift file storage