

  • Deploy the entitlement cluster-wide

Deploy a PEM key and RHSM configuration, and optionally, a custom CA PEM file.

The custom CA file will be stored in /etc/rhsm-host/ca/custom-repo-ca.pem in the host and in /etc/rhsm/ca/custom-repo-ca.pem in the Pods.

./run_toolbox.py entitlement deploy --pem /path/to/key.pem
  • Undeploy the cluster-wide entitlement (PEM keys, RHSM configuration and custom CA, if they exist)

./run_toolbox.py entitlement undeploy

Testing and Waiting

  • Test a PEM key in a local podman container (requires access to registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi)

./run_toolbox.py entitlement test_in_podman /path/to/key.pem
  • Test a PEM key inside a cluster Pod (without deploying it)

./run_toolbox.py entitlement test_in_cluster /path/to/key.pem
  • Test cluster-wide entitlement

(currently tested on a random node of the cluster)

./run_toolbox.py entitlement test_cluster [--no-inspect]
  • Wait for the cluster-wide entitlement to be deployed

(currently tested on a random node of the cluster)

./run_toolbox.py entitlement wait


./run_toolbox.py entitlement inspect