======= Cluster ======= .. _toolbox_cluster_scale: Cluster Scale ============= * Set number of nodes with given instance type .. code-block:: shell ./run_toolbox.py cluster set_scale [--base_machineset=BASE_MACHINESET] **Example usage:** .. code-block:: shell # Set the total number of g4dn.xlarge nodes to 2 ./run_toolbox.py cluster set_scale g4dn.xlarge 2 .. code-block:: shell # Set the total number of g4dn.xlarge nodes to 5, # even when there are some machinesets that might need to be downscaled # to 0 to achive that. ./run_toolbox.py cluster set_scale g4dn.xlarge 5 --force .. code-block:: shell # list the machinesets of the cluster $ oc get machinesets -n openshift-machine-api NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AVAILABLE AGE playground-8p9vm-worker-eu-central-1a 1 1 1 1 57m playground-8p9vm-worker-eu-central-1b 1 1 1 1 57m playground-8p9vm-worker-eu-central-1c 0 0 57m # Set the total number of m5.xlarge nodes to 1 # using 'playground-8p9vm-worker-eu-central-1c' to derive the new machineset ./run_toolbox.py cluster set_scale m5.xlarge 1 --base_machineset=playground-8p9vm-worker-eu-central-1c